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![]() GIDEON Male | Feller, hewer | Hebrew |
![]() LLYWELYN Male | Brilliant light | Welsh |
![]() COHEN Surname | Priest | Hebrew |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Gideon Llywelyn Cohen. ◖NICKNAME◗ He has been called names such as Giddy and Lyn, but he prefers just Gideon. If anything, it would probably be Lyn. ◖ALIAS◗ None, so far, but hopefully he will have one some day, at least some kind of title. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 18th October 1992. ◖AGE◗ 25 years old. ◖NATIONALITY◗ English with a bit of Welsh, he's been told. ◖RESIDENCE◗ He has a nice, little cottage outside of London, protected by a force field so strangers cannot find it. ◖OCCUPATION◗ At the moment, freelance wizard, takes what he can get. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ The Kirin Tor. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Somewhere in the UK, he's not sure exactly where. |
◖RACE◗ Wizard, a human with magical potential more or less, which prolongs his life span for example. ◖ABILITIES◗ Several, too many to simply list, but it spans from basic tricks to serious magic. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,80 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Normal build, slightly defined muscles, especially his arms. ◖EYES◗ Hazel brown. ◖HAIR◗ Dark brown. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Fair. ◖TATTOOS◗ He has a magical Kirin Tor tattoo on his inner left arm, and he would like to add more similar to it. ◖SCARS◗ A lot, mostly on his hands from vigorous magical training, some which went wrong and scarred him, though he also has some major ones that he does everything to hide, luckily they are easy to cover up. |
◖HANDEDNESS◗ Ambidextrous, but he often leans towards the left. ◖ZODIAC SIGN◗ Libra. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Homosexual, not something he talks about though and plans to explore. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. ◖LIKES◗ Reading, finding old, dusty books in the back of the library, studying new runes and spells, a fire place, blankets, cuddling, people stroking his hair, a big bed, riding, horses and animals in general, capes (though they might be slightly out of fashion), the same goes for staves. ◖DISLIKES◗ Cold weather, at least being outside in it, the feeling on soaked clothes clinging to his body, illoyal people, forced social events and pretending to enjoy them, big crowds, being caught in them, being squeezed or caught in small rooms, underground rooms. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Ben Schnetzer. |
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A P P R E N T I C E How long will you be bound to others? ___________________________________________ Gideon grew up isolated and very much on his own. Left at an orphanage by his parents for unknown reasons, he did not stay there long. His magical potential was soon discovered, and he does not have any lasting memories of the orphanage; just the lingering feeling of being abandoned is left. Though young, he was picked up by his mentor, Medivh, who had felt his magical potential almost from the second he was born. The decline in potential magic users had dropped so severely the last few decades, so when one was born near you, it could be felt, especially if the potential was strong. With the amount of raw energy stored in his body, Gideon was lucky to be taken away at that age, even if that meant isolation. This was not only for his own sake though, but for others, who could be harmed if Gideon did not learn to control his powers. With Medivh by his side, not only as a mentor, but sort of as a parent, who gave him the necessary affection from a very young age, Gideon quickly learnt to harness the power within him. Gideon was an amazing find for the magic community, and being taught about his magical potential from the moment he could understand, he was quick to master some of the most difficult genres of magic. One of the youngest members of the magic society Kirin Tor, Gideon thrived, though magic was really the only thing he knew. The outside world grew, where the Kirin Tor was stuck in another era long forgotten, which delayed Gideon's introduction to the world - or at least a successful introduction. It did go well in it's own way; it took him longer to be introduced to the normal world than learn his first spell, but he managed, though he can still be a bit perplexed by how the world is run, but this has also caused a sense of fascination. He started experimenting with combining the two worlds, something rarely done by other magicians, sorcerers, and wizards simply because of the natural distance kept to normal humans. Still, Gideon cannot shake the feeling that he's a bit more human than the rest of the bunch, even if he sometimes feels left and misunderstood by humans, which in his case is not very surprising. Gideon's strong connection with Medivh is still very much intact even after he moved out of the Kirin Tor main complex. Gideon wanted to explore the world and help those around him in a more direct way, yet again a very odd choice for a young, yet high-ranking wizard. He still corresponds with his mentor regularly, though Medivh has seemed somewhat distant for some time now, but otherwise Gideon's connection with Kirin Tor is limited. He likes to talk to humans, almost prefer to do so. Other wizards are just a very special kind of people. He does have contact with his handler, Eva, another strong wizard, who ensures that everything is going well, that he's doing his job according to the guidelines set by Kirin Tor, as well as giving him an occasional job here and there. To him, that is socialising, though he knows that his two friends are mainly work-based, but for now, he enjoys the quiet life as a powerful wizard doing small jobs, though some might think that he's far from using his full potential. |
➣ H A R D W O R K I N G ▪ 1. characterised by steady, earnest, and energetic effort. Gideon has always been eager to learn and known that you had to work for it. From the moment he started magic training, he has done everything in his power to improve, something which has paid of in his favour. It doesn't involve magic only, but everything he does in general, even if there's a risk that he might not succeed. | ➣ F R I E N D L Y ▪ 1. showing kindly interest and goodwill ; cheerful, comforting. Gideon has always been a really friendly guy. Even if he's not a fan of crowded spaces, he's always been caring about others and their well-being, spreading a good mood around him for the sake of others. |
➣ T R U S T W O R T H Y ▪ 1. worthy of confidence ; dependable. Just like his friendly nature, Gideon is someone to trust. If he owes you one or promises to do something for you, you can be sure that he will at least try to do it. The same goes for secret-keeping or anything like that. He's has sworn to himself that he will help others and he will do anything to do so. | ➣ C L E V E R ▪ 1. mentally quick and resourceful Gideon has always been a quick thinker, not just in logical terms, but he has always been good at seeing patterns in humans and events. |